Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What can I do to reduce the blackheads on my face?

read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies to help you more on this siteWhat can I do to reduce the blackheads on my face?
Steam your face once a week for 3 to 4 minutes to open up the pores. Use a home made face scrub using the white of an egg and a little salt.More cheap and natural remedies for black and white heads at the link belowWhat can I do to reduce the blackheads on my face?
i have some biore pore perfect ';deep cleansing pore strips'; i've been using for a while. totally got rid of blackheads and doesn't leave any gross stuff wherever you put the thing on. it takes 15minutes and you don't even have to pay attention until you can't scrunch up your nose anymore, just be sure to only use it every three days and not any less.
Keep the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Use natural or chemically prepared cleansers, astringent solutions or masks to accomplish this. Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the skin or any creams that leave an oily finish.

- Use a gentle exfoliant to keep the dead cells off your skin and away from the pore openings.

- Avoid harsh squeezing or scraping at the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore leading to more blackheads in the future.

- A warm compress of water applied to the area of the blackhead followed by a very, very gentle pressure can help in clearing the clog from the pore.

- Commercial “blackhead strips” which are basically a tape like substance that is placed over the nose and then pulled off will remove some blackheads that are at the surface. Caution should be used with these products and it is important to read the directions completely before deciding to use the strips or not.
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