anybody know any?Good home remedies to get rid of blackheads?
toothpaste. not only does it work for spot treating zits it also gets rid of blackheads.
at least the kind i use:colgate total advanced clean. its a white paste(and yes paste works best for this)
i just wet my nose with warm/hottish water slap on a toothpaste nose mask, and let it sit for a few minutes then wash it off with cold water.
just remember to always wash your face morning/night and afternoons if needed and moisturize after each to help reduce the blackheads to begin with.
and oh! warning: it will burn a bit but you get used to it. by all means do NOT leave it on if it starts to hurt you, try a little bit at a time and soon you wont have any discomfort with it.Good home remedies to get rid of blackheads?
Squeeze out the black head if it is surfaced enough. It should only take a very small amount of pressure, smaller than if it were a white head, if not, then dont squeeze. Steam your face to open op the pores, and then wash your face with glycerin soap. stay away from chemical products, they just dry out skin. Eat 3 apples a day for a week and drink alot of water. try to cut back on sugar and soda. Apply castor oil to your face at night in order to keep your pores open.
hope this helps
Blackheads don't go away on their own. I should know, had them on my nose since a teenager %26amp; I'm now senior. Please do something as they only get larger with age. Steaming has worked best for me, then followed by an astringent, but don't know what an expert would say.
use baking soda. it realy helped me!
1. wet face
2. put a baking soda in ur palm
3. add a little water
4. scrub onto face and let dry for a minute
5. rinse it off
also if u have lots of black heads it could be because ur using to much moistureizer*
1. you should try the Ponds strips... those work very good
2. or you can try and pop them the same way you would pimples .. although I don't really recommend this
ummm..go to target and buy this thing called -black head remover-
and then use
that isnt a home remedies but try it
it worked for me
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