Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pimples before my monthly, pimple scaring and blackheads???

I am usually pimple free until just before ';that time of the month'; does anyone know any good face washes or creams i can use. I drink plenty of water and don't eat very much greasy food, but i still get pimples. Does anyone know any solutions i can put on my face to get rid of pimples, black heads and scaring? Thanks :-)Pimples before my monthly, pimple scaring and blackheads???
Other than washing your face a lot :

Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

Tea Tree oil can also be applied directly to infected pores.

Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

Drink plenty of water.

For black heads :

Though the best way to remove blackheads is an area of contention, the most common method for getting rid of blackheads is to gently squeeze them. Removing the “stuff” inside of the blackhead helps the skin because you are relieving the pressure which causes the damage. We know it can be nearly impossible to leave a blemish alone so here are some tips for gentle blackhead removal:

Step 1:Use a mild scrub or exfoliant to remove any dead cells and expose the blackhead.

Step 2:Pat your face dry.

Step 3:Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.

Step 4:Pat your face dry again.

Step 5:Place a piece of tissue on the tip of each finger to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.

Step 6:Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish. You’re trying to apply the pressure from *underneath* the blackhead.

Only attempt this once or twice. If it does not “pop”, you may bruise the skin, make the blackhead worse, and could cause scarring.

If you want to get rid of blackheads you're going to stop using oil-based makeup and skin treatments

Pimple Removal :

Prepare for a small surgical pimple removing procedure. You'll need a small sewing needle, a bottle of alcohol, some gauze (or a small band-aid), and some warm water. Some people think you'll need to run a needle through a flame. This isn't Dr. Quinn Medicine woman. Rubbing alcohol will do.

Wash your face and hands before attempting to pop the pimple. Washing your face and hands ensures that all makeup, oils, germs and bacteria are no longer near the pimple you're about to burst. Also, dip a majority of the needle in the alcohol, and for safe measure apply some of that alcohol to your fingers and the pimple--dabbing with some gauze to dry the area.

Prick the white part of the pimple very lightly with the tip of your needle. Once you've done that, put two small squares of gauze on either side of the pimple and apply pressure with two fingers to ensure that the remaining puss is squeezed out of the pore, retaining pressure until clear liquid appears. When clear liquid or blood appears, you'll know the pimple is gone.

Wipe the pimple clean with an alcohol soaked gauze pad. It'll sting a little, but that's a good thing. The alcohol will kill most of the bacteria in and around the wound, helping you to avoid an infected pimple. If you wish, you can put a small, sterile bandaid on the area or cover it with an antibacterial concealer.Pimples before my monthly, pimple scaring and blackheads???
Actually whether u eat oily food/fast food does have an impact and even if it didnt, u shudnt anyways as its unhealthy. U want to be healthy for your acne to go away am i correct? Apple cidar vinegar works for acne. As for scarring/acne scarring: personally, ive read alot on acne scars as i have quite a few left over too. What ive heard to do is apply acv(apple cider vinegar, u can buy it at ur grocery store for under 2 bucks) and mix it half and half with warm water. Then dab the diluted acv with a cotton ball and apply it on your scar. Also i have heard that drinking it is great too but it might taste a bit sour :P . Also another great thing to do is go make an appointment with your dermatologist and get her/him to prescribe u a tropical gel called ';retin a micro';. As ive heard and read, u need to apply just a lil' dab on the scar for about twice a day, preferably morning and night. However the downfall to using retin-a micro is that it will peel your skin - but thats how it works. Using retin-a micro will make ur scars get better before it gets worst. tho retin a micro wont work over night, i am more then certain u will achieve decent results from using it atleast about 2-3 weeks. It takes a bit of time, but im positive that if you use this tropical and dab some acv dilutd with water, those maarks will fade in time. gd luck :)
Unfortunately, greasy foods do not contribute to oily/acne-prone skin. It is all genetics. The oil on your skin is meant to be there, but many times there is an over abundance of the oil (sebum) produced by the pores. I would try a basic sensitive skin facial soap, such as Dove. It is clear of any acids and alcohols that can dry out the skin, with in turn makes the skin produce more sebum to moisturize the skin. If you wear make up, use an oil-free compound to reduce the amount of oil on your skin, naturally. Also, there is no solution to scaring, other than surgery. I went through dermabrasion two summers ago, and the results were amazing. Of course, your dermatologist (if you do not have one, I recommend getting in contact with one, or getting in touch with your local physician for a consultation) will determine whether or not such extreme measures could benefit your skin.
Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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