I DOnt Have Alot,
I Wash MY Propley Face Daily %26amp; Nightly,
I CLeanse tone And Mostuirise
I Use Treatments
I Exfoliate
I Use Facemasks / Blackhead Strips.
I Always Take Makeup Off
i Drink Plenty Off Water.
i Eat Healthy
Help ?How To Get Rid Of Blackheads?
it seems like your doing all the right things- good job! sometimes taking a few extra days off a week from any wearing face makeup (foundation, cover up, powder, etc) can help by giving your skin some extra time just to Breathe clean air and naturally clear itslef up. When you have makeup on it, it doesn't even give your skin the chance. Even if you do take it all off, sometimes not putting any on helps evn more.
good luck!How To Get Rid Of Blackheads?
Try not wearing make-up for like two weeks and see what happens then, oh and try not to use so many products because, you may have sensitive skin and not even know it. Also you could rub baking soda into your skin to exfoliate it and it will be so smooth when you are finished, Don't eat too many foods with a lot of oil. and when you finished washing your face then don't use any lotion because they can clog your pores as well.
You are doing everything that anybody could recommend already. At least you say that you don't have a lot of blackheads. Well then, nobody is perfect. If they tend to always come out in the same place, you could have a periodic vacuum treatment to remove them.
Go to a beauty salon once every two weeks for a facial... The therapist should be able to remove pretty much most of them =]
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