Monday, July 26, 2010

Is there an effective way to get rid of blackheads?

maybe some type of treatment from the dermatologist/esthetician? or home remedies? please help, they are pretty bad, %26amp; I am very self conscious about this...thanksIs there an effective way to get rid of blackheads?
oxy pads work soooo good! my brother uses them all the time and his skin is very clear, of blackheads and EVERYTHING!! and oxy pads are cheap and can be found at any store.

oh and these sites will be able to give you home remides and cures for blackheads:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

oh and really good tips are found on the site acne they say...

- Drink as much water as you can.

- Look after your diet and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

- Keep your face clean by washing it with plain water. You can also wash your face with warm water twice.

- Rub your face with lemon skin and wash it off. It helps in opening up the pores.

- Always use medically acclaimed soap to wash your face.

- Utilize used green tea by scrubbing your face with it. Do it twice a week and see the difference.

- Jojoba oil is a good moisturizer for skin used after scrubs to remove blackheads and whiteheads.

oh and a tip from me is:

the healthier you eat, the clearer your skin.

and choclate makes you have break outs!

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

:DIs there an effective way to get rid of blackheads?
try lemon juice, baking soda and salt, crazy mix but it reduces the redness.

they there is Clindamycin, which you can get from a dermatologist.

also, people might say the black head eraser and nose strips work , but it hasn't worked for me and several other people, so I recommend not wasting your money on something which wont help at all.

I use St.John Apricot face scrub [black head] and Avocado face masks [weekly face mask, or daily] and i wash my face veryday, twice.
Blackheads are dirt which gets set in our pores so best thing is to keep the face clean and the pores closed for closing pores you can apply tomato juice it reduces pores and for blackheads try this home remedy it works for me鈥?/a>

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