Steam your face once a week for 3 to 4 minutes to open up the pores. Use a home made face scrub using the white of an egg and a little salt.More cheap and natural remedies for black and white heads at the link below.What is the best way to remove blackheads????
read tips on trreating acne, skincare and home remedies to help you better on this siteWhat is the best way to remove blackheads????
I use the Biore Pore Strips and they are Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they actually dont hurt that much when you pull the off.
Take a hot wash cloth and dabe it wear all ur blackheads are and then take the blackhead strips and remove them with that....the hot wash cloth is to make the blackheads come out more so u can get them better with the strips!
GoOd LuCk!
1. Make a honey- oatmeal mask using the ingredients below
2 tablespoons of honey
1/2 a cop of milk
1/2 of oatmeal
Mix together.Put on face and leave on for about 5 minutes.Wash it off with water.It is the quickest and best way to remove any blackheads
use biore or however you spell it. Works great! AND its cheap!
Go for a full facial, and have the beautician remove them safely. This way you won't get giant pores from squeezing them out yourself.
get those things that rip them out if u don't mind some pain
get a facial at a spa it will exfoliate everything trust me
Use Proactive, it does work to keep your complexion clear.
boil 1/4 cup water and take out 2 teaspoons ';epsom'; salt (make sure it's epsom!) and 3 drops of iodine .. now mix well and let cool...then saturate with two cotton balls and rub onto skin you will then notice it takes out blackheads very quickly! Enjoy (hint: you can also double or triple ingredients so you can place it into a bottle and use anytime needed!)
You should use your finger-nail and dig in your blackheads and push it out. It will easily come right out.
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