Monday, July 26, 2010

What is the best cure for little blackheads or red faces?

ive been to dematolagist they say i dont have acne or rosasea but i have a lot of little tiny bumps all over i think there balackheads and my face gets red very easily like im blushing all the timeWhat is the best cure for little blackheads or red faces?
not to try to sell something but proactive soulutions is great, I just bought some and after a couple of days can already see my face clearing upWhat is the best cure for little blackheads or red faces?
Tips to remove blackheads

If you have minor acne, a Japanese product called Ketsugo came out about 10 years ago. It seemed to be more effective, in my experience, than other medications which did nothing. You might have to order it from your pharmacist though.
Get a facial and see if they can extract the blackheads. As for the ';blushing';, only the dermatologist would know that.
Wash your face with Dove for sensitive skin 3 times a day. Use la mer products, I swear they are amazing. Keep your hands off your face, do not put any products on your face. Use prescription products such as bacitracin, retin a and differin, go to the dermatologist and have her prescribe to you tetracyline or doxycyline. have her extract blackheads and pimples. drink a lot of water.
i had the same problem and i use good old Noxezoma!
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